Sunday, June 17, 2012

What a Weekend!

A lot happened in our family this weekend...and thanks to modern technology we were able to participate a little bit!

First, all of our children and their children got together back in Arizona for the festivities...this meant grandchildren reunion!

And a little wrestling with Uncle Taylor...

Then it was a baby shower for Allison on Saturday morning...

Followed up by the blessing of Charlotte Saturday evening...

This morning (Sunday) our son Taylor spoke in our Ward Sacrament Meeting as he leaves for his mission to Concepcion, Chile this Wednesday. Our Stake President permitted the meeting to be broadcast over the internet so that Diane and I could watch. No one from the family knew (except Jen) until it was announced during the meeting. Here is what the miracle of technology can do to bring the world and families closer...

Greg Hatch emailed us a copy of the program (of course he was involved in this project)....

The setup...

Diane with the tools of the trade...(we did have to field a few phone calls during the meeting)

Me, trying (unsuccessfully) to keep my composure...

As fine of a young missionary as you will know...

And a proud father who was not only spoiled by watching his son speak, but also received cards and presents from all of his children and his wife on this most happy of Fathers' Day. We are going to Skype this afternoon, and on to the evening if the internet holds up! And tomorrow I will receive about 200 more emails from my missionaries! How great is that?

1 comment:

  1. happy father's day dad!!! i wish you were here and we could spoil you more. im so glad you were able to watch taylor and also skype at the after-party! love you
